Monday, May 28, 2012

Marriage Preparation and Dating

Lets first define what a you need to have a successful date, here are the three P's to remember 1) Plan, 2) Paid for, 3) Paired off. It's important to note that the patterns we perpetuate through dating continue through our marriage relationships. As a college student I live with roommates and before that I lived with siblings. All of these experiences help prepare me and help me get a general idea of what I will be like as a spouse. One of the first things we look for in a potential partner is physical attractiveness and following that someone we are similar too. Intentional, thoughtful dating is the way to really get to know someone. Here are three crucial things you should do while dating, 1) Talk, mutual self disclosure 2) Time, anything less than three months you don't get to know someone 3) Togetherness, a variety of situations which approximate or parallel marital situations through shared activities. As your different relationships grow you will find there are different types of love. Agape which is unconditioned love, Eros which is the romantic type of love, Storge a parent child type of love, and Philia which is love between friends a brotherly love. Something interesting I learned in class was about R.A.M.,  the relationship attachment model. It is really interesting and worth looking in to. The last words of wisdom from my teacher were THINK TRUTH! Although it is not as romantic as following feelings seeking for the truth in a person is what will truly bring you happiness.


This being a very sensitive and hot topic in today's society I feel the most important thing to do before placing judgement is to BE INFORMED. There is so much false and misleading information out there so it is very important to find credible and valid sources of information. A very common misconception is that a "gay" gene has been found and that is most definitely false. Also claiming to be "gay" or a homosexual is not a life defining it is having intimate desires between someone of the same gender. In some cases it isn't until some life experience that is misunderstood and then reinforced. Such as being sexually molested or socially rejected from peers of the same sex as you. These experiences can cause confusion and deep emotional scars that diminish self worth and understanding of who you are as an individual male or female. From a study on homosexual relationships it appeared that on average an individual had had sex with over 500 other people. This was shocking to me and then I heard something that helped me make sense of it and that statement was, "You can never get enough of what you don't need because what you don't need can't satisfy you."

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Social Classes and Culture

My professor posed a question to us and asked us if social class influences the family and capacity to meet it's needs, responsibilities, and purposes? In my opinion social class plats a large role in the way families operate and function. I know that where I grew up and in my public school experience there was definitely a division of social classes that we all knew and excepted for the most part. It wasn't that we were happy about it, but we all knew our role. However, I will say that the way you act and your values are a lot of what define the class that you were in. I may not have been from the rich side of town, but I was a hard worker and so were my friends. In my opinion we choose the kind of person we want to be and through our actions and expectations for ourselves and that determines our class. I also know that sometimes we can't change our circumstances, but the only person that keeps us down is ourselves. I say that, but there are of course a lot of variables like our culture, heritage, and parents that influence how we see ourselves in the world. There are patterns within these different subgroups and with this knowledge we can learn how to get out of these and really become the person we want to be.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Family Systems

This weeks class discussions were all about family systems. I found it really interesting that when we from new family systems by getting married that it is really important to branch off from your parental family and start your own way of life. Each person in a family has a particular role and by fulfilling that role we help the family create a place of homeostasis. Balance is brought to the family and people are able to act comfortably. We also talked a lot about the unspoken family rules. We all have them, those things you just never do or never say. A lot of these come from traditions and things that we discover after figuring out someones personality.I think that sometimes they can be good and other times not so good. As in all things a healthy balance should be made. I also learned about how to make and interpret family Genograms. They are worth checking out on Google images. From doing family history and digging a little bellow the surface you can see family traits that might even explain why you are the way you are or why people in the past did certain things. I'll keep you osted on all the cool things I learn!